Refrigerator Rolls

1 cake yeast
2 tbsp sugar
2 cups milk
4 tbsp shortening
6 cups flour
2 tsp salt

Scald milk and let cool until lukewarm. Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add shortening and half the flour. Beat until smooth. Add salt and remaining flour. Knead well. Place in greased bowl, cover, and let rise until double in bulk. Stir down. Cover well and place in refrigerator until needed. To use, cut off as much dough as desired, roll out on lightly floured board, shape into rolls and place in greased pans. Let rise in warm place until double in bulk. Bake in hot over at 425 for 20 minutes. This dough may be kept 4-5 days and baked as desired. Makes 5 dozen small or 2 1/2 dozen large rolls.

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